The Villas of Giorgione

Villa Corner della Regina
Route details Recommended period Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter Phone+39 0423 735626
Useful advice: Don't forget to visit the parks and gardens of the Villas.

Castelfranco Veneto, magnificent walled city in the province of Treviso, is known all over the world for being the birthplace of Giorgione. But it has many other excellent aspects which make it unique. For lovers of art, history and culture these are places not to be missed. The new project "The Villas of Giorgione" has been created to launch, with promotions and guided visits, seven historical residences which are located in the Castelfranco area.

The Villa Corner della Regina, Cà Amata, Cà Marcello, Villa Cornaro, Villa Barbaro, Villa Emo and Villa Corner-Chiminelli: these are the Palladian and post-Palladian jewels, three of which are listed as UNESCO world heritage sites.

Villa Corner della Regina is located in Cavasagra di Vedelago and is built in the typical Palladian style with its columns and lateral barchesse (wings of the building). At Castelfranco Veneto the Villa Ca'Amata stands, created at the beginning of the XVIII century. The Palladian Villa Barbaro at Maser was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1994. It was constructed between 1554 and 1560 and it is a jewel in the jewels: inside it features a cycle of frescoes by the great painter Paolo Veronese.

Another creation by the genius Palladio, and another UNESCO world heritage site, is the Villa Emo at Fanzolo a Vedelago, considered the most mature of the great architects works, and one of the most valuable villas in the Veneto. Villa Corner Chiminelli at Sant'Andrea oltre Muson in Castelfranco Veneto belongs to the holiday houses of the venetian nobility. The fifth century Ca' Marcello is situated in the province of Padua, in Levanda di Piombino. Finally, another jewel which has been declared a UNESCO world heritage site: Villa Cornaro in Piombino Dese (Padua). Designed by Palladio himself in 1552 for the noble Venetian family, it was finished in the record time of just one year!

The Castelfranco variegated radicchio is an PGI product that is grown in this area and is known all over the world. Its delicate flavour ranges from sweet to a pleasant bitterness.