Fimon Lake

Fimon Lake is a small body of water nestled in the enchanting landscape of the Berici hills, a few kilometers from Vicenza. Despite its small size and shallow depth, the lake has a history dating back to Neolithic and Bronze Age times, as evidenced by the many important archaeological discoveries of the nineteenth century.

The best time to discover this true gem of nature is from April and May to late October, passing from the colourful blooms of spring to the melancholy mists of autumn. In addition to the archaeological heritage, the lake and the surrounding valley are especially rich in plants and wildlife.

The meadows alternate from cultivated fields to small woodlands (the wood came up to the water's edge some forty years ago) with interesting vegetation of willows and poplars, reeds and delicate water lilies that stretch to the centre of the small lake. It is less easy to observe the wildlife that inhabits the Fimon lake: more than a few species of amphibians (frogs, and green toads), one can see the warbler and little bittern, coots, moorhens and, in spring, even wild ducks.

There are two educational tours designed for schools to get to know Fimon Lake : one focuses attention on human settlements in the area during the prehistoric period and the other offers a more naturalistic and environmental approach. There are also many opportunities for easy walks and cycling trips.

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